We are all unique individuals walking our own path of self-discovery. Whether you’re feeling stuck or craving more from life, redefining goals or integrating a transformational experience, looking for physical enhancement or spiritual connectedness, we will tailor our sessions to your specific needs. Having support, guidance and encouragement is crucial for accomplishing our goals, navigating life’s challenges and living more joyfully.
Over the past decade I have helped thousands of people detoxify & strengthen their bodies, navigate entheogenic experiences, sharpen their mind and liberate their hearts. I draw from my study and work with Amazonian, Andean & Native American wisdom keepers, Tibetan Monks & Master yogis, mystics & healers to creatively and impactfully make lasting change.
I believe that we all have the capacity to learn, heal and grow. Through the lens of earth-based wisdom, scientific research and practical experience, the work we do together is holistic — body, emotions, mind & spirit. With compassion, care and discipline we will awaken your inner wisdom to make more permanent shifts.
The resources for your transformation are within and I’m excited to help you discover, connect and liberate your personal truth.
The mentorship program is for people who are committed to a path of wellness. Through a confluence of practices and study we will deepen our drive to live as radiant, whole and empowered beings. Whether it be for personal growth, to launch a coaching program or as an addition to an already established career, this program will help you access more of our gifts, live with more meaning and thrive on all levels.
The path of self-discovery is best met with curiosity, discipline and support. It is our responsibility to develop personal sovereignty and agency of choice to live an empowered life. Once established, we can more fully participate in and serve our communities.
Our bodies are designed to move, regenerate and heal. Culled from yoga, qigong, natural movement, longevity movements and somatics, our practice will be specialized for you. We will build strength & flexibility, improve coordination & mobility and move with more grace and total body coherence.
The human experience is about experiencing a spectrum of emotions, thoughts and feelings. These gifts of sensation can be exhilarating & joyous and/or completely overwhelming & debilitating — and anywhere in between. The focus of our work together is to develop healthy relationships with our emotions, feel more connected to ourselves and live with creative dynamism.
Learning how to communicate effectively is key for any relationship whether it be personal or professional. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is an art & practice that takes discipline, patience and self-reflection. Listening is a skill that invites us into the present moment because it enhances connection, fosters empathy and promotes understanding. Through the study of communication we will learn skills for greater self-expression, personal awareness and healthy relating.
The shadow self is a term for everything that we cannot see, deny or hide from — about ourselves. It is one of the main drivers (often nonconscious) of our actions and reactions. When unintegrated, it can create mental & emotional distress, dysfunctional behavior issues and even physical disease. We will boldly & bravely enter our shadow to alchemize, heal and liberate.
“Julian DeVoe brings practical advice to those seeking to follow a spiritual path. His effort made me see that small changes in my daily routine could have a big impact on my outlook and, therefore, on my spiritual progress. Julian may very well believe in miracles, but the miracles he works are about changing the things that hold us back from being our true selves. My experience working with him was outstanding, and his guidance has had a lasting impact on me. Anyone who is seeking a better way forward couldn’t find a better guide than Julian.”
Wisdom traditions across the globe have been studying consciousness since time immemorial. We work with ancient & modern methods to sharpen the mind, enhance mental performance and awaken your inner knowing.
Purification of the body in the modern age is crucial for overall well-being. From food-based cleanses to parasite detoxification, heavy metal cleansing to fasting we will customize a safe and methodical approach for your specific needs. Cleansing helps us to have more energy, achieve optimal weight, rest well and just feel better overall.
We take an interdisciplinary, non-authoritarian and nondogmatic approach toward connecting with spirit, the universe, yourself and the world. Through a practical, prayerful and ritualistic way, we focus on developing purpose & meaning for a more spirited life. This mystical self-inquiry will awaken your inner wisdom and connect you with your truth.
In any moment we could be in a leadership role — business or organization, team or client, family or community. Whether you are a creator or innovator, activist or athlete, CEO or entrepreneur, teacher or parent we will work to become more compassionate, effective and resilient. When we work on self-development and personal evolution we can guide and serve others with greater efficiency, effectiveness and success.
When treated with respect & reverence psychedelics can offer the potential for profound life-changing experiences. With dedicated preparation, safe navigation and continued integration, we can make the most of these experiences. Altered states of consciousness can help us overcome anything holding us back and give us a new outlook on life.