Gotta have something to do around here. Truth of Self, truth of life, truth in the mystery… where is it hiding? Where is it seeking? I’m looking & peaking, picking & poking, playing & pondering at truth. In reckless abandon for the secret sauce, the wo/man behind the current, the winner of the chicken or the egg race, to peer behind the vail… even just for a moment. I find it to be a noble pursuit. And it sure seems that the deeper I go, the less I know… and the less I know, the deeper I go.
In many ways no matter what we do, we're all making a difference. We all have infinite capacity for any differences we want to make. My intention is to actively be the difference for greater change. I don't believe there are any innocent bystanders in the game of life. It’s a goal to inspire people to inspire themselves. By being a unique, authentic dude — perhaps a bit different, an odd ball, a weirdo — I hope to leave a mark, impression, imprint in a way that brings about a beneficial shift, long-term awesomeness and positivity. Who couldn’t use a difference maker, an advocate, an ally in their corner? Someone to cheer us on, listen when things are tough, and lovingly nudge us at times.
This is a goal, aspiration, course of work and at times a reality for me. I think Universities need to have a course on joy (and most other emotions for the matter). Straight up. Seems to me like there are a lot of people rolling around less than joyful these days. I'm not saying I'm an expert or anything — I can crack a couple of jokes, listen compassionately and smile in the face of adversity. I am saying joy is an actual thing that I aspire to do & share & spread. Why not radically outrageous, abundantly present and insanely incredible joy for all? I'm getting down on that.
I love childlike, playful, silliness. I love taking things seriously, intently and with a lot of focus and dedication. A day infused with silly is a day colored in a good way. It takes a pinch of clever, a dose of silly and a tad of observation to make it a success. Silly can be slapstick, clever, sarcastic or even a bit gross. Serious can be committed intentful, focused, deliberate and disciplined. I like taking my seriousnesss in a silly way and my silliness very seriously.
I dig on some Shamanism. I enjoy, revel in and ponder the animistic worldview — the everything is spirit, god/goddess everywhere & everything infused with life and teeming with energy approach. It helps me to appreciate more things in the world, encourages me to connect more deeply and allows for more learning opportunities. Everything is part of the same mystical and mysterious tapestry of creation, whilst simultaneously being unique & sovereign. What a trip! Some shamans whistle medicine tunes to help others, some people whistle while they work and others whistle just for fun. I happen to be a fan of whistling and fan of shamanic practices — I put two and two together there.
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple. The philosophy is kindness. " — Dalai Lama.
I read this quote many years ago and it stuck. I'm certainly not perfect at it, but hey, who isn't a work in progress?
I have always been curious about spirituality. I'm not sure why. And now I realize it doesn’t matter why… learning, exchanging, grappling with and pondering these myriad teachings to unlock the secrets of the universe. The secrets of self. I have found truth and insight across many wisdom traditions on how to be… how to live… how to navigate life. I love these teachings to inspire myself and others for the sake of an empowered life, joyfully journeying and deep experiencing. And above all, practical. I enjoy hearing different soulful perspectives and I certainly love sharing mine. To all the Gods & Goddesses, Spirits & Energies, Illusions & Realities, let us dance.
This journey of being myself, while figuring out who I am, has taken me to places I could never have imagined — across the globe..; into the far reaches of my consciousness..; the depths of my heart..; and into the liminal spaces of my soma. For many years I was a spiritual man devoid of spirit, nevertheless I was open & inquisitive in a myriad of practices. As yogi Patanjali offered, abhyāsa, steadfast practice and vairāgya, nonattachment to the results is essential. In other words, do your best and forget the rest. With this in mind & heart, some mystical things started happening that bent my worldview into a new reality. One I’ve been reveling in since. I feel blessed and privileged to have had such amazing guides along the way. I honor and love a long list of human & nonhuman teachers. I’ll continue to wander & wonder in mystical & fantastical & imaginal ways and perhaps one day our paths with cross.
“Julian DeVoe is one of the most talented healers I have ever come across. Within only a few hours of speaking with him he was able to accomplish things my once-a-week, board certified therapist was unable to do in months. His combination of raw intelligence, unorthodox thinking and deep spiritual connections combines create a healer that is rare and awe inspiring. Julian was able to push me out of my comfort zone and look deeply into who I was and what I wanted to become. I highly recommend Julian to anyone looking to break through to the next level of consciousness.”