Be Good To One Another

Be good to one another… 



but how?

when my critical opinions bounce around in my mind?

when my judgments ooze throughout my thought realms?


Be grateful…

for the opportunities you have,

the things in your life,

the blessings & gifts.

Sometimes it’s just not that easy —


the complaints,

the entitlements

the expectations

about this & that, him & her, they & it, either & or

                                    are conjured up

                                    and expressed through

                                    word & action.


Laughter is the best medicine…

but what if it just isn’t funny

or i’m not feeling humorous

or it’s offensive? 

or i’m the only one laughing?

is it still an antidote for the pain?


Just smile, it’ll make you feel better…

does that mean I should grin and bear it?

will my smile mask my anger or alleviate my depression?

is my smile not just a thin façade?

will it really help me get by?


Nonviolence, compassion and kindness are taught by many a master… 

but how?

when others attack?

when others are mean?

when injustice lives on?

when the unkind, unfair and selfish make it to the top?


Be careful of the stones that you throw…

i’ll do my best

yet all too often (more than I’d like to admit)

my ruminations have me

lobbing critical views

launching self-righteous judgments

and absolving myself of responsibility.

who really is to blame?

aren’t we all somehow complicit?

how do we play catch with these stones?


These practical & spiritual

            insights & platitudes

            practices & aspirations

            suggestions & encouragement

                        are simple

                                    and in their simplicity

lies the difficulty.


They are honorable and worthy pursuits

                        available to all of us

                                    if we choose…




