Light & Dark


Light and dark

a beautiful pair.

Masculine and feminine

handsomely fair.


Under the cover of darkness

we see the light

harmonizing joyously

a scene to delight.


Both create a plethora of colors

mixing they reveal –

rainbowing slyly

and showing what's real.


The earth and the sun

create a school to learn

evolution’s lessons

fair yet stern.


It is their combination

of the two “opposites”

an explosion of creation

neither to resist.


It is the center point

where the pendulum swings

passing along

the edges it brings.


We move to the middle

and from there we act

settling in

with just enough slack.


The yin yang

shows it great

a unified duality

cohesive in its fate.







Darkness gets a bum rap,

now I just think

that's a load of crap.


With all our “thoughts”

we confuse this idea

making it all yucky and rough.


Without the dark,

we cannot see the light

it is on this palate the twinkle does mark.


The depths of the deep dark sea

house creatures and serpents

of mysterious beauty.


What about dark fashion trim?

Clothes we love

because they make us look thin.


Same to say of the feminine divine

put down and quieted

by a man-made design.


The receptive, a feminine trait,

meets the active masculine

on a heartfelt date.


In action there is reception

and vice-a-versa,

they are a bound reflection.


So dark and light are one and the same,

equal and opposite,

they share in the refrain.


By seeing these qualities working hand-in-hand

we can view the dual world

with a conscious expand.



Wake Me


Mountain Biking and Heartedness